This document demonstrates how to integrate the Solace Java Message Service (JMS) with Apama Streaming Analytics for consumption of JMS messages. The goal of this document is to outline best practices for this integration to enable efficient use of both Apama Streaming Analytics and Solace JMS.

Sequence Diagram

Apama CEP has been used in many real-time applications, i.e. HFT, trade surveillance, auto hedging, real-time betting, real-time analytics, real-time firewall and etc. Apama CEP has its place in streaming space with little footprint. Flink and Spark are all implemented in Java and Scala with inherited JVM disadvantages. How can Apama's EPL run faster than both C and Java®?

Solace has been the OPEN messaging leader in the industry, and is widely adopted by many financial firms and vertical industries. Solace's ultra wide bandwidth and low latency event broker works well with Apama hand-in-hand.

The target audience of this document is developers with knowledge of both Apama and JMS in general. As such this document focuses on the technical steps required to achieve the integration. For detailed background on either Solace JMS or Apama refer to the referenced documents below.

This document is divided into the following sections to cover the Solace JMS integration with Apama Streaming Analytics:

Related Documentation

These links contain information related to this guide:

This tutorial requires access to Solace PubSub+ event broker and requires that you know several connectivity properties about your event broker. Specifically you need to know the following:






This is the address clients use when connecting to the event broker to send and receive messages. (Format: DNS_NAME:Port or IP:Port)

Message VPN


The event broker Message VPN that this client should connect to.

Client Username


The client username. (See Notes below)

Client Password


The client password. (See Notes below)

There are several ways you can get access to Solace messaging and find these required properties.

Option 1: Use Solace Cloud

Option 2: Start a Solace PubSub+ Software Event Broker

Option 3: Get access to a Solace PubSub+ appliance

This is a discussion of an approach for consuming messages from a Java Messaging Service (JMS) bus in Apama CEP Correlator. The full code is freely available on Github as part of this project in src/apama-solace-sample.

The general Apama Streaming Analytics support for connectors is documented in the Apama Streaming Analytics Documentation. The configuration outlined in this document makes use of correlator-integrated messaging for JMS to achieve the desired integration with Solace via JMS.

This integration guide demonstrates how to configure a Apama Streaming Analytics application to receive JMS messages using a set of custom message-to-event configurations. Accomplishing this requires completion of the following steps.

Description of Resources Required

This integration guide will demonstrate creation of Solace JMS custom receiver and configuring the receiver to receive messages. This section outlines the resources that are required/created and used in the subsequent sections.

Solace Resources

The following Solace Event Broker resources are required.




Solace Event Broker Host

Refer to section 2- Get Solace Messaging for values

Message VPN

Client Username

Client Password

Solace Queue


Solace destination of persistent messages consumed

JNDI Connection Factory


The JNDI Connection factory for controlling Solace JMS connection properties

Step 1 – Obtain access to Solace JMS API

The Solace JMS jars are required. They can be obtained on Solace Developer Portal Downloads or from Maven Central.

Maven Dependencies

The easiest way to integrate Solace and Apama is using the client libraries available via public Maven Repositories, for example:


Or if you downloaded the libraries and are referencing them directly, the following resources are all required:




Solace Common


Solace common utilities library.

Solace JCSMP


Underlying Solace wireline support libraries.

Solace JMS


Solace JMS 1.1 compliant libraries.

Step 2 – Configuring the Solace Event Broker

The Solace Event Broker needs to be configured with the following configuration objects at a minimum to enable JMS to send and receive messages within the Apama application.

The recommended approach for configuring a event broker is using Solace PubSub+ Manager, Solace's browser-based administration console packaged with the Solace PubSub+ event broker. This document uses CLI as the reference to remain concise - look for related settings if using Solace PubSub+ Manager.

For more details related to event broker CLI see Solace-CLI. Wherever possible, default values will be used to minimize the required configuration. The CLI commands listed also assume that the CLI user has a Global Access Level set to Admin. For details on CLI access levels please see User Authentication and Authorization.

Creating a Message VPN

If you are using Solace Cloud you can skip this step because a message-VPN is already assigned. For the name, refer to the "Message VPN" in the connection details page.

This section outlines how to create a message-VPN called "apama" on the event broker with authentication disabled and 2GB of message spool quota for Guaranteed Messaging. This message-VPN name is required in the configuration when connecting to the messaging event broker. In practice, appropriate values for authentication, message spool and other message-VPN properties should be chosen depending on the end application's use case.

> home
> enable
# configure
(config)# create message-vpn apama
(config-msg-vpn)# authentication
(config-msg-vpn-auth)# user-class client
(config-msg-vpn-auth-user-class)# basic auth-type none
(config-msg-vpn-auth-user-class)# exit
(config-msg-vpn-auth)# exit
(config-msg-vpn)# no shutdown
(config-msg-vpn)# exit
(config)# message-spool message-vpn apama
(config-message-spool)# max-spool-usage 2000
(config-message-spool)# exit

Configuring Client Usernames & Profiles

This section outlines how to update the default client-profile and how to create a client username for connecting to the Solace Event Broker. For the client-profile, it is important to enable guaranteed messaging for JMS messaging and transacted sessions if using transactions.

The chosen client username of "apama_user" will be required by the Apama when connecting to the Solace Event Broker.

(config)# client-profile default message-vpn apama
(config-client-profile)# message-spool allow-guaranteed-message-receive
(config-client-profile)# message-spool allow-guaranteed-message-send
(config-client-profile)# message-spool allow-transacted-sessions
(config-client-profile)# exit
(config)# create client-username apama_user message-vpn apama
(config-client-username)# acl-profile default	
(config-client-username)# client-profile default
(config-client-username)# no shutdown
(config-client-username)# exit

Setting up Guaranteed Messaging Endpoints

This integration guide shows receiving messages within the Apama from a single JMS Queue. For illustration purposes, this queue is chosen to be an exclusive queue with a message spool quota of 2GB matching quota associated with the message VPN. The queue name chosen is "apama".

(config)# message-spool message-vpn apama
(config-message-spool)# create queue apama
(config-message-spool-queue)# access-type exclusive
(config-message-spool-queue)# max-spool-usage 2000
(config-message-spool-queue)# permission all delete
(config-message-spool-queue)# no shutdown
(config-message-spool-queue)# exit
(config-message-spool)# exit

Setting up Solace JNDI References

To enable the JMS clients to connect and look up the Queue destination required by Apama, there are two JNDI objects required on the Solace Event Broker:

They are configured as follows:

(config)# jndi message-vpn apama
(config-jndi)# create connection-factory jms/cf/apama
(config-jndi-connection-factory)# property-list messaging-properties
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property default-delivery-mode persistent
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# exit
(config-jndi-connection-factory)# property-list transport-properties
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property direct-transport false
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property "reconnect-retry-wait" "3000"
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property "reconnect-retries" "20"
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property "connect-retries-per-host" "5"
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property "connect-retries" "1"
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# exit
(config-jndi-connection-factory)# exit
(config-jndi)# no shutdown
(config-jndi)# exit

Step 3 – Obtain Apama Streaming Analytics

The Apama Streaming Analytics can be obtained one of 2 ways.

  1. If you are in an organization that is an existing Apama customer, it is likely your organization already has Apama Streaming Analytics and corporate policies about their use. You will have to contact your application management team in regards to a Apama Streaming Analytics license.
  2. If you are new to Apama Streaming Analytics, you can obtain Apama Community Edition from the Apama Community Edition Downloads. For help getting started with your Apama Streaming Analytics Community Edition you can refer to Apama Community Edition Docs.

Step 4 – Coding Solace message producer

Solace JCSMP project

    SDTMap map = prod.createMap();
    map.putString("MESSAGE_TYPE", "com.solace.sample.SampleTextMessage");
    TextMessage msg = JCSMPFactory.onlyInstance().createMessage(TextMessage.class);
    for (int msgsSent = 0; msgsSent < 1000000; ++msgsSent) {

        msg.setText("msg count is " + String.format("%05d", msgsSent));
        msg.setApplicationMessageId("appID-" + msgsSent);
        map.putLong("MESSAGE_CREATED", System.currentTimeMillis());
        prod.send(msg, topic);

Step 5 – Coding Apama Event Processing Language AKA MonitorScript

From Apama Streaming Analytics Documentation, there are details on how to develop Apama applications.

Apama Event Definition A simple event with 2 fields, payload string field and extraParam dictionary field.

event SampleTextMessage {
    string payload;
    dictionary<string, string> extraParam;

Apama Event Processing Language source

monitor SampleTopicReceiver {
    action getSolaceMessage() {
        on AppStarted() {
    action onload () {
        on JMSReceiverStatus() as receiverStatus
            log "Received receiverStatus from JMS: " + receiverStatus.toString() at INFO;
            on all SampleTextMessage() as sampleTextMessage {
                log "From JMS: " + sampleTextMessage.toString() at INFO;
        route AppStarted();

Step 6 – Configuring Apama correlator-integrated adapter for JMS

From Apama Streaming Analytics Documentation there are details on how to set up JMS connection bundle. JMS adapter can be configured either in the correlator-integrated adapter for JMS editor or by editing sections of the XML and .properties configuration files directly.

The Apama correlator-integrated messaging for JMS configuration consists of a set of XML files and .properties files.

A correlator that supports JMS has the following two files:

In addition, for each JMS connection added to the configuration, there will be an additional XML and .properties file :

The JMS property file has all the custom settings and values in each use case. In this project, static receiver is used to receive Solace messages from apamaTopic.


The message to event mapping is done in adapter editor. Manual changes to the mapping XML should be avoided.

    <mapping:property name="eventType" value="com.solace.sample.SampleTextMessage"/>

Step 7 – Starting up Apama correlator with correlator-integrated adapter for JMS

Starting up Apama correlator in development is done from Apama Workbench. For server deployment, please see From Deploying and Managing Apama Applications.

The Solace JMS API Online Reference Documentation section "Establishing Connection and Creating Sessions" provides details on how to enable the Solace JMS connection to automatically reconnect to the standby event broker in the case of a HA failover of a Solace Event Broker. By default Solace JMS connections will reconnect to the standby event broker in the case of an HA failover.

In general the Solace documentation contains the following note regarding reconnection:

Note: When using HA redundant event brokers, a fail-over from one event broker to its mate will typically
occur in under 30 seconds, however, applications should attempt to reconnect for at least five minutes. 

In the previous section "Setting up Solace JNDI References", the Solace CLI commands correctly configured the required JNDI properties to reasonable values. These commands are repeated here for completeness.

(config)# jndi message-vpn apama
(config-jndi)# connection-factory jms/cf/apama
(config-jndi-connection-factory)# property-list transport-properties
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property "reconnect-retry-wait" "3000"
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property "reconnect-retries" "20"
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property "connect-retries-per-host" "5"
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# property "connect-retries" "1"
(config-jndi-connection-factory-pl)# exit
(config-jndi-connection-factory)# exit
(config-jndi)# exit

The key component for debugging integration issues with the Solace JMS API is the API logging that can be enabled. How to enable logging in the Solace API and Apama is described below.

How to enable Solace JMS API logging

Solace JMS API makes use of the Jakarta Commons Logging API (JCL), configuring the Solace JMS API logging is very similar to configuring any other Apama. The following example shows how to enable debug logging in the Solace JMS API using log4j.

One note to consider is that since the Solace JMS API has a dependency on the Solace Java API (JCSMP) both of the following logging components should be enabled and tuned when debugging to get full information. For example to set both to debug level:

By default info logs will be written to the console. This section will focus on using log4j as the logging library and tuning Solace JMS API logs using the log4j properties. Therefore in order to enable Solace JMS API logging, a user must do two things:

Below is an example Log4j properties file that will enable debug logging within the Solace JMS API.

log4j.rootCategory=INFO, stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ABSOLUTE} %5p %t %c{2}:%L - %m%n

This project has a built-in topic consumer to dump received messages from "apamaTopic" - hence Solace console shows received messages from the event broker.

Received message: 
Destination:                            Topic 'apamaTopic'
AppMessageID:                           appID-8224
Priority:                               0
Class Of Service:                       USER_COS_1
DeliveryMode:                           DIRECT
Message Id:                             8230
Eliding Eligible
User Property Map:                      2 entries
  Key 'MESSAGE_CREATED' (Long): 1488757225657
  Key 'MESSAGE_TYPE' (String): com.solace.sample.SampleTextMessage

Binary Attachment:                      len=21
  1c 15 6d 73 67 20 63 6f    75 6e 74 20 69 73 20 30
  38 32 32 34 00                                        8224.

msg count is 08224

How to enable Apama logging

Some of the JMS sender/receiver properties can be toggled during development to debug application and exam JMS messages and performance matrix

<bean id="globalReceiverSettings" class="com.apama.correlator.jms.config.JmsReceiverSettings">
  <property name="receiverFlowControl" value="false"/>

  <!-- These logging options are for testing/diagnostics only and should 
    not be enabled in a production system due to the possible 
    performance impact 
  <property name="logJmsMessages" value="false"/>
  <property name="logJmsMessageBodies" value="true"/>
  <property name="logProductMessages" value="false"/>

  <property name="logPerformanceBreakdown" value="true"/>
  <property name="logDetailedStatus" value="false"/>

Log output shows JMS performance breakdown details, correlator status, JMS status and received JMS message

2017-03-05 14:20:30.738 INFO  [23732:JMSReceiver:solace-receiver-apamaTopic] -      40% RECEIVING:    min,mean,max secs per message = 0.193150, 0.199414, 0.206460
2017-03-05 14:20:30.738 INFO  [23732:JMSReceiver:solace-receiver-apamaTopic] -       0% MAPPING:      min,mean,max secs per message = 0.000385, 0.000874, 0.001937
2017-03-05 14:20:30.738 INFO  [23732:JMSReceiver:solace-receiver-apamaTopic] -       0% ENQUEUING:    min,mean,max secs per batch = 0.000118, 0.000296, 0.000484
2017-03-05 14:20:30.738 INFO  [23732:JMSReceiver:solace-receiver-apamaTopic] -       0% JMS_ACK:      min,mean,max secs per batch = 0.000000, 0.000002, 0.000003
2017-03-05 14:20:30.738 INFO  [23732:JMSReceiver:solace-receiver-apamaTopic] -      60% R_TIMEOUTS:   min,mean,max secs per batch = 0.299299, 0.300074, 0.300875
2017-03-05 14:20:30.738 INFO  [23732:JMSReceiver:solace-receiver-apamaTopic] -     100% TOTAL:        min,mean,max secs per batch = 0.494446, 0.500696, 0.507113
2017-03-05 15:56:24.481 INFO  [19636] - Correlator Status: sm=3 nctx=1 ls=11 rq=0 eq=0 iq=0 oq=0 icq=0 lcn="<none>" lcq=0 lct=0.0 rx=6187 tx=0 rt=1 nc=1 vm=494716 pm=23020 runq=0 si=9.0 so=0.0 srn="<none>" srq=0 (no license file)
2017-03-05 15:56:24.484 INFO  [19636:Status] - JMS Status: s=1 tx=0 sRate=0 sOutst=0 r=1 rx=6,182 rRate=0 rWindow=0 rRedel=0 rMaxDeliverySecs=0.0 rDupsDet=0 rDupIds=0 connErr=0 jvmMB=63
2017-03-05 18:17:36.091 INFO  [27192:JMSReceiver:solace-receiver-apamaTopic] - 'solace-receiver-apamaTopic' has received JMS message: Property.JMS_Solace_DeadMsgQueueEligible=false
   Body="msg count is 05488"
2017-03-05 18:17:36.092 INFO  [33608] - com.solace.sample.SampleTopicReceiver [3] From JMS: com.solace.sample.SampleTextMessage("msg count is 05488",{"JMS_Solace_DeadMsgQueueEligible":"false","JMS_Solace_DeliverToOne":"false","JMS_Solace_ElidingEligible":"false","JMS_Solace_isXML":"false","MESSAGE_CREATED":"1488755856084","MESSAGE_TYPE":"com.solace.sample.SampleTextMessage","Solace_JMS_Prop_IS_Reply_Message":"false"})

A working sample with maven pom build is provided in GitHub with this guide: